For Immediate Release: November 9, 2021 For Spanish: For Portuguese: Glasgow, Scotland – As negotiators convened at COP26 in Glasgow attempt to break the deadlock on emissions cuts and financing mechanisms, a diverse set of voices are calling for the UNFCCC to exclude hydropower from consideration, citing dams’ grave human rights and climate…
For Immediate Release: October 13, 2021 Contacts: Josh Klemm, Policy Director, International Rivers/Report Author, +1 202 492 8904 Bonnie Barclay, Communications Manager, International Rivers, +1 323 363 4874, Oakland, CA – International Rivers today published a report calling attention to the need for the world’s largest dam building companies to take urgent steps…
For Immediate Release: October 12, 2021 Huaynakana Kamatahuara kana, a Kukama women’s federation in the lower Marañón Valley, has filed a groundbreaking legal action demanding that the Peruvian government recognize their river as a legal person, or “Ser Vivo” (Living Being)). A coalition of national and international organizations including the Institute for Legal Defense, International…
Irreplaceable freshwater species and habitats on which humanity depends are being lost at a faster rate than on land or in seas; world leaders must prioritize urgent and targeted actions to protect and restore these ecosystems and defend the rights of Indigenous and marginalized communities disproportionately affected by these losses. For Immediate Release: October 11,…
***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** Glasgow, Scotland— 300 organizations from 69 countries today launched a Rivers for Climate Global Declaration calling on governments and leaders attending COP26 to protect river ecosystems and stop using scarce climate funds to finance false climate solutions such as hydropower. Representing the views of civil society, peoples movements, Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, scientists,…
For immediate release: September 8, 2021 Contacts: 1. Monti Aguirre, International Rivers (707-591-1220; 2. Grant Wilson, Earth Law Center (510-566-1063; Marseille, France—Today, advocates from across the globe gathered at the IUCN World Conservation Congress (both in person and remotely) to highlight the precipitous growth of the movement to recognize the rights of rivers and…
***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** Manila, Philippines –Civil society groups across South, Southeast and Central Asia are raising the alarm as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) gears up to announce a new Energy Policy that — unless recalibrated — will fail to reflect the realities of climate science and local peoples’ burning concerns. On September 6th, the…
For immediate release OXFORD, UK and OAKLAND, US, August 25, 2021—A new geospatial assessment tool for hydropower, Riverscope, launched today. Riverscope was developed by TMP Systems in collaboration with International Rivers. It is the first comprehensive tool to assess often-overlooked environmental and social risks and connect them quantitatively to the commercial performance of hydropower projects….
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 29, 2021 Thursday, July 29, 2021. In a complaint to the Ontario Securities Commission, an international coalition of civil society organizations calls attention to the repeated dissemination of misleading information by Belo Sun Mining Corp (TSXV:BSX), including statements by CEO Peter Tagliamonte, downplaying socio-environmental, legal, and financial risks of the company’s…
São Paulo and Brasilia, July 13, 2021 – A coalition of civil society organizations delivered today a warning letter to public and private financial institutions regarding a series of risks – social, environmental, legal, financial and reputational – related to their potential involvement in Ferrogrão, a proposed ‘greenfield’ railroad project aimed at promoting exports of…