Protegiendo el río Futaleufú; Nueva herramienta legal garantizará el valor turístico y ecosistémico de la zona

Protegiendo el río Futaleufú; Nueva herramienta legal garantizará el valor turístico y ecosistémico de la zona

Por Leonardo Peña Garcia, Futaleufú Riverkeeper. English version here. El pasado sábado 3 de diciembre se realizó el Lanzamiento de la temporada de turismo aventura en Futaleufú, una de las comunas de la Patagonia y principal destino de turistas nacionales y extranjeros. El río Futaleufú es uno de estos puntos de interés, donde año a…

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Defending Rivers and Rights at the Biodiversity COP15

Defending Rivers and Rights at the Biodiversity COP15

By Bonnie Barclay International Rivers joined partners at the UN Biodiversity COP15 meeting (7-19 December 2022) in Montreal. After repeated delays due to the pandemic, decision-makers, country delegates, civil society organizations, and other institutions finally came together to discuss, negotiate and shape the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. International Rivers and our partners’ message was clear:…

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BCG Economy and Apec: Just empty rhetoric?

BCG Economy and Apec: Just empty rhetoric?

Originally published in the Bangkok Post By Pai Deetes The Apec Leaders’ Summit in Bangkok this week includes an agreement to work toward the “Bangkok Goals” on Bio-economy, Circular Economy and Green (BCG) Economy beyond national borders. Many have raised have raised the question of whether the Thai government, as host to the summit, genuinely…

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Press Release | COP27: Groups warn of severe climate and human rights risk of new hydropower dams and schemes

Press Release | COP27: Groups warn of severe climate and human rights risk of new hydropower dams and schemes

Dams and hydropower schemes create major loss and damage, including producing significant amounts of methane, biodiversity loss, and community displacement. In a warming world, droughts and flooding make hydropower an unreliable energy choice and an increasing danger to downstream communities. An urgent shift away from false solutions that harm people and ecosystems is essential. For…

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Open Letter from the Civil Society Group concerning the selection process for the presidency of the IDB Group

Civil society organizations and communities affected by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) projects hope that the current election process for the president of the IDB Group is taken as an opportunity to designate a person prepared to lead the transformations that the institution needs. The Bank should be headed by someone who can respond effectively to…

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<strong>“We are all nature, and we’re here together to build on how to take our world to a side of more harmony”</strong>

“We are all nature, and we’re here together to build on how to take our world to a side of more harmony”

Day Two of the Cumbre Madre Tierra October 27 2022, Mexico City – The second day of #CumbreMadreTierra explored the rights of the oceans, rivers and other water sources, and discussed approaches to tackling climate change. Claudia Brindis, United Nations (UN) Harmony with Nature Program expert and operational director for Earth Law Center Mexico, began…

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New Study: Solar alternatives would cost less and outperform the proposed Koukoutamba Dam in Guinea

New Study: Solar alternatives would cost less and outperform the proposed Koukoutamba Dam in Guinea

Français ci-dessous On September 20, energy experts from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) with support from International Rivers released a new study entitled, “The feasibility of solar PV to replace the Koukoutamba hydropower plant in Guinea – a quantitative study” (French and English). This study explores the feasibility of renewable energy alternatives to building the proposed…

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Geopolitics are not accounting for local communities

Geopolitics are not accounting for local communities

Originally published in Centre on Asia and Globalisation Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy’s newsletter Guest Column by Pianporn Deetes is Regional Campaigns Director, Southeast Asia Program at International Rivers Whatever the geopolitics of hydropower brings to the Mekong River, the people living alongside it must have a greater say in its future development….

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Proposal prohibiting construction of hydroelectric and infrastructure projects on the Cuiabá River, is closer to becoming law in the Mato Grosso state in Brazil

Proposal prohibiting construction of hydroelectric and infrastructure projects on the Cuiabá River, is closer to becoming law in the Mato Grosso state in Brazil

A victory for the Pantanal– the world’s largest tropical wetland! By twenty votes to three, the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato Grosso (ALMT) this week overturned Governor Mauro Mendes’ veto to bill PL 957/2019. Defended by socio-environmental groups, riverside communities, fishermen, and residents of the Baixada Cuiabana, the bill prohibits the installation of Small…

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Proposta que proíbe construção de hidrelétricas e projetos de infraestrutura no rio Cuiabá, no Mato Grosso, está muito perto de virar de lei no Estado

Proposta que proíbe construção de hidrelétricas e projetos de infraestrutura no rio Cuiabá, no Mato Grosso, está muito perto de virar de lei no Estado

Uma vitória para o Pantanal! Por 20 votos a três, a Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Mato Grosso (ALMT) derrubou nesta semana o veto do governador Mauro Mendes ao PL 957/2019. Defendido por entidades socioambientais, comunidades de ribeirinhos, pescadores e moradores da Baixada Cuiabana, o projeto de lei proíbe a instalação de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas…

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World Water Week 2022: The Value of Water

World Water Week 2022: The Value of Water

People around the world are coming together starting today in Stockholm for World Water Week, the leading conference on global water issues, held every year since 1991. The Week attracts a diverse mix of participants from many professional backgrounds and every corner of the world. The event is an important platform to understand and develop…

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