Press Center

Welcome to the Press Center. Here you will find our current press releases and statements, media contacts, and other resources for journalists. For all other media inquiries, please reach out to or Spokespeople Press Releases New Report Highlights the Missing “Just” from Vietnam’s Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) June 16, 2024 | Vietnam…


International Rivers protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them. We seek a world where healthy rivers and the rights of local river communities are valued and protected. We envision a world where water and energy needs are met without degrading nature or increasing poverty, and where people have the right…

Large hydropower dams have no place in the Green Climate Fund

By Josh Klemm, Policy Director, and Florencia Ortúzar from AIDA This article was originally published on Climate Homes News The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the primary financial mechanism established under the UN climate body, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help countries cope with climate change. It is cause for hope, due to its ability to…

Can the World Bank Lead by Example in Moving Away from Large Dams?

Since his election in 2012, World Bank President Jim Kim has trumpeted the Bank’s return to large hydropower including so-called “transformational” mega-dams. Kim himself championed the controversial Inga 3 Dam, the first phase of an extremely ambitious suite of dams envisioned on the Congo River. This marked a new chapter in the Bank’s support for…

The Surprising Success of Micro Hydro

By: Sarah Bardeen, former Communications Director Dipti Vaghela is passionate about micro hydro. To be fair, she’s also obsessed with other mini-grids, including biomass gasifiers and small-scale solar. But since 2006, Vaghela has been deep in the weeds on this subject, working as both a researcher and a practitioner to develop community-based micro-hydro in South…

JOINT STATEMENT | 10 Reasons Why Climate Initiatives Should Not Include Large Hydropower Projects

By: Amazon Watch – Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact – Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA) – Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation – Carbon Market Watch – Fondation Danielle Mitterrand (France Libertés) International Rivers – Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement International – Movimiento Rios Vivos – Oxfam International – Rede Latinoamericana contra represas y por…

US Congress Takes Landmark Decision for Rivers and Rights

By: Peter Bosshard, former Policy Director The World Bank is eager to re-engage in large dam projects around the world, and other financiers are following in its wake. The US Congress has now poured cold water on these plans. In a landmark decision it has instructed the US government to oppose the construction of large dams…