Congo River Basin Animation Series

Congo River Basin Animation Series

  ***Français ci-dessous*** International Rivers’ Africa Program is excited to launch an animated community education series on the Congo River Basin.  This animated series aims to provide easily digestible information for riverine and hydropower dam-affected communities. It covers the basics of river basin ecology, hydroelectric dams and their impacts, as well as community rights and renewable…

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All around success of Samana Fest 2024: Multicultural Celebration in Defense of Río Samaná

All around success of Samana Fest 2024: Multicultural Celebration in Defense of Río Samaná

Supported by International Rivers, Samana Fest reunited more than 2,500 people in favor of the protection of the Río Samaná Norte, the last free flowing river in the eastern region of Antioquia, Colombia. Last week, the sixth edition of Samana Fest was celebrated near Medellin, Colombia. This event, which took place from the 11th to…

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Press Release | Removal of diversion dam restores flows to Klamath River canyon for the first time in nearly a century

Press Release | Removal of diversion dam restores flows to Klamath River canyon for the first time in nearly a century

Press Release from the Klamath River Renewal Corporation   For Immediate Release: November 2, 2023  Contact: Ren Brownell, PIO,, 530-670-0016  Work on Copco No. 2 Dam Removal Comes to a Close  Removal of the diversion dam restores flows to historic Klamath River canyon for the first time in nearly a century.   (Hornbrook, Ca) This week, crews put the…

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Court dismissal of Xayaburi dam lawsuit highlights the need to strengthen accountability of cross-border investments

Court dismissal of Xayaburi dam lawsuit highlights the need to strengthen accountability of cross-border investments

By Phairin Sohsai and Gary Lee On 17 August, the Thai Supreme Administrative Court ruled to dismiss a lawsuit, filed by 37 Thai villagers against five Thai state agencies for their role in approving the Xayaburi hydropower dam’s Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Filed 10 years ago, the Xayaburi lawsuit was the first community-filed lawsuit related…

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PRESS RELEASE: Klamath Dam Removal Process Enters Home Stretch: Environmental Review Confirms the Benefits of Dam Removal

PRESS RELEASE: Klamath Dam Removal Process Enters Home Stretch: Environmental Review Confirms the Benefits of Dam Removal

Karuk Tribe • Yurok Tribe • American Rivers • Trout Unlimited • Institute for Fisheries Resources • California Trout • Sustainable Northwest • Salmon River Restoration Council • Native Fish Society • Northern California Council, Flyfishers International • Friends of the Shasta River • Save California Salmon • Mount Shasta Ecology Center • American Whitewater…

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Organizations launch petition to save the Cuiabá River in Brazil

Organizations launch petition to save the Cuiabá River in Brazil

The coalition pressures Mato Grosso State environmental agency (SEMA) to suspend licensing to six new dams planned to be built on the Alto Paraguay basin. A coalition of Brazilian and international civil society organizations and social movements* has launched a petition to pressure the Mato Grosso State environmental agency (SEMA) against the approval of environmental…

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Klamath River Dam Removal Update: An Urgent Need for Action!

Klamath River Dam Removal Update: An Urgent Need for Action!

By: Bruce Shoemaker, Klamath Project Liaison The proposed removal of four aging dams on the Klamath River in far-northern California and southern Oregon is at a crucial juncture. Following sustained campaigning by tribal and environmental groups, what is likely the largest proposed dam removal project to date world-wide, one that has huge implications for the…

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Restoring the Klamath: What we’re learning from the largest dam removal project in history

Restoring the Klamath: What we’re learning from the largest dam removal project in history

By: Bruce Shoemaker, Klamath Project Liaison After decades of controversy and campaigning by Indigenous and environmental groups, the largest dam removal project to date world-wide is moving forward in far-northern California and southern Oregon of the United States. Four large hydropower dams on the Klamath River are to be removed, restoring hundreds of miles of habitat…

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Troubled Waters: Mekong’s future remains uncertain as Thailand lights fuse on rapids-blasting project

Troubled Waters: Mekong’s future remains uncertain as Thailand lights fuse on rapids-blasting project

By: Pianporn Deetes, Thailand and Myanmar Campaigns Director This article originally appeared in The Nation. As a new year dawns, the waters of the Mekong River remain turbulent with uncertainty. While many take holidays and prepare for the new year, the people of the Mekong face an unknown future. Earlier this month, residents along the Mekong…

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Working Transboundary: Building Resilience and Democratizing Governance in the Brahmaputra Basin

Working Transboundary: Building Resilience and Democratizing Governance in the Brahmaputra Basin

The Brahmaputra River has repeatedly been the centre ground of diplomatic hostility between China, India and Bangladesh. With no transboundary treaty or common understanding between the countries sharing the river, downstream countries have repeatedly raised concerns that China, the upstream riparian country, would dam and divert the glacial meltwaters that are crucial not only for…

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