By: Christina Larlemdik, Nalori Dhammei Chakma, Jiten Yumnam & Petro Kotze The Khuga Dam is, by all accounts, a failure. Unable to deliver on any of the original objectives of the Khuga Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project, the price of this expensive catastrophe is paid by the local people. Already discriminated against due to their position in…
By Isadora Soares Brazil, 22th October, 2021 Last week, Brazilian mining activities and their socio-environmental impacts were in the spotlight at the International Seminar on Mining, Transnational Companies and Traditional Peoples and Communities. Speakers at the seminar warned about the environmental impact of Canadian company Belo Sun’s gold mining project Volta Grande do Xingu. The…
Yesterday, during its biennial World Hydropower Congress, the International Hydropower Association (IHA) awarded its “Blue Planet” prize for sustainability to the Teesta-V hydropower project in India, noting it “met or exceeded” good practice in its assessment against the IHA’s own sustainability tools. International Rivers responded that Teesta-V is a highly problematic project that has engendered…
On September 21, a Jatoba tree was accepted as a refugee at the Norwegian embassy in Brasilia, Brazil. The symbolic gesture was an action proposed by indigenous umbrella organization, the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) and GT Infra, to raise awareness about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Yesterday morning, the native tree…
We, Indigenous leaders, representatives of civil society organizations, and members of the scientific community, express, through this letter, our repudiation of the attacks suffered by the Munduruku Indigenous women in Jacareacanga (southwestern Pará), on May 26 of this year. We also declare our full support for operations to combat illegal mineral exploration carried out inside…
Building burns in the Munduruku village. Photo by Public Prosecutor’s Office of Pará State.
This year, Earth Day and UN World Environment Day both focus on restoration, for good reason; 97% of Earth’s land area may no longer be ecologically intact. If we don’t urgently make recovery and investment choices that change course, our ecosystems, and humanity itself are on a path to collapse. We’re facing multiple crises: a global pandemic,…
We stand with our partners and friends in Myanmar. We mourn the tragic loss of life and condemn the brutal violence and unimaginable terror they are facing. We applaud their incredible courage. We urge the international and business community to take immediate action to support the brave people of Myanmar in their struggle against this…
Les grands fleuves africains ont nourri certaines des civilisations les plus importantes du monde. Ils ont façonné le rythme de vie d’innombrables générations de peuples riverains, reliant les cultures par-delà les frontières politiques. Malheureusement, du Nil au Zambèze, beaucoup de ces rivières ont été endiguées, détournées, draguées et polluées au nom de la satisfaction des…
By: Deborah Moore, International Rivers Board Member Darryl Knudsen, Executive Director Michael Simon, former Senior Director of Strategy This article was originally featured on Truthout There’s some good news amid the grim global pandemic: At long last, the world’s largest dam removal is finally happening. The landmark agreement, which was finalized in November 2020 between farmers, tribes and…