A Tribute to Rafael Gallo, Defender of the  Pacuare River

A Tribute to Rafael Gallo, Defender of the Pacuare River

by Shannon Farley, guest writer Flowing from high in Costa Rica’s Talamanca Mountains, past indigenous Cabecar communities, through dense jungle populated with jaguars, the Pacuare River travels 85 miles to the Caribbean Sea. It is one of Costa Rica’s most acclaimed rivers for its scenic beauty and is revered by whitewater paddling enthusiasts. Thanks primarily…

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Elías Díaz Peña Echegure Tribute: Champion for People, the Pantanal, and the Paraguay and Paraná River Ecosystems

Elías Díaz Peña Echegure Tribute: Champion for People, the Pantanal, and the Paraguay and Paraná River Ecosystems

By Monti Aguirre, Dana Clark and Deborah Moore Last month we lost a river champion. We, at International Rivers, join the global river community in mourning the loss of activist, hydrologist, partner and friend Elías Díaz Peña Echeguren, who passed away in May at the age of 75. Known fondly as “Papo,” Elías was the…

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Coalizão para a Proteção Permanente dos Rios lança questionário para entender como as pessoas se relacionam com os rios de seus territórios

Coalizão para a Proteção Permanente dos Rios lança questionário para entender como as pessoas se relacionam com os rios de seus territórios

A Coalizão para a Proteção Permanente dos Rios, formada pela International Rivers e outras organizações do Brasil, está com questionário aberto para entender como as pessoas, movimentos sociais e ONGs identificam as ameaças aos rios,  cuidam e se relacionam com os rios de seus territórios. Voltado principalmente para pessoas que já atuam ou têm desejo…

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Voice of the River

Voice of the River

A new short film tells the remarkable story of the man who risked his life to save a river he loved. One of International Rivers’ founder and river guardian extraordinaire: Mark Dubois. Would you risk your life to save a river? This man did. In 1979, Mark Dubois chained himself to a rock behind New…

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United for Rivers! | Day of Action 2021 Report Back

United for Rivers! | Day of Action 2021 Report Back

On March 14, 2021, we celebrated the 24th annual International Day of Action for Rivers. On this day people all over the world, gathered to protect and celebrate rivers.  The International Day of Action Against Dams and For Rivers, Water and Life was adopted by the participants of the first International Meeting of People Affected…

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Day of Action for Rivers 2020: Resilient Hope in Uncertain Times

Day of Action for Rivers 2020: Resilient Hope in Uncertain Times

By: Margaret Zhou, Partnerships Manager This March 14, International Day of Action for Rivers, thousands of river stewards, defenders, and allies took action both in person and online. Despite the health and safety challenges faced by many countries around the world with the COVID-19 pandemic, over 50 direct actions were registered across 23 countries/nation-states with…

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PRESS RELEASE | Thai Mekong communities submit evidence of impacts in Xayaburi lawsuit

PRESS RELEASE | Thai Mekong communities submit evidence of impacts in Xayaburi lawsuit

By: Pai Deetes, Thailand & Myanmar Campaigns Director FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today, the Network of Thai People in Eight Mekong Provinces submits additional evidence to the Thai Supreme Administrative Court in the ongoing lawsuit regarding the Xayaburi dam on the Mekong River in Laos. The lawsuit targets five Thai state agencies and challenges the legitimacy…

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Victory on the Upper Mekong: Thai Cabinet Terminates Rapids Blasting Project

Victory on the Upper Mekong: Thai Cabinet Terminates Rapids Blasting Project

By: Pai Deetes, Thailand and Myanmar Campaigns Director In a momentous win for the Mekong River, this week the Thai Cabinet formally called for cancellation of the Lancang-Mekong Navigation Channel Improvement Project, popularly known as the Mekong “rapids-blasting” project. The cabinet decision is the culmination of decades of campaigning by Thai Mekong communities and civil…

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PRESS RELEASE | The ASEAN We Want: An Open Statement to ASEAN Leaders

PRESS RELEASE | The ASEAN We Want: An Open Statement to ASEAN Leaders

In an open statement to ASEAN leaders as they gather in Bangkok for the 34th ASEAN Summit, 110 community and civil society organisations and networks have urged ASEAN to respect people’s rights and livelihoods.  Noting that ASEAN economic integration has prioritised the interests of investors with little regard to the negative impacts on people’s territories, livelihoods…

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IFC must listen to local demands on Namtu

IFC must listen to local demands on Namtu

By: Maureen Harris, Programs Director This article originally appeared in The Myanmar Times The International Finance Corporation’s Vikram Kumar published a letter in the September 20 Myanmar Times in response to an article on civil society and community boycotts of IFC-sponsored consultations on hydropower in Shan State. The consultations form part of a cumulative impact assessment of…

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Activist training school in DRC strengthens the movement for rivers

Activist training school in DRC strengthens the movement for rivers

International Rivers’ advocacy training in DRC aimed at strengthening the movement of civil society partners and community groups to effectively advocate for the protection of rivers, rights of dam affected communities, and energy access. At the end of the training, groups were encouraged to sing their visions for their campaigns, which helped them take ownership…

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