Proposta que proíbe construção de hidrelétricas e projetos de infraestrutura no rio Cuiabá, no Mato Grosso, está muito perto de virar de lei no Estado

Proposta que proíbe construção de hidrelétricas e projetos de infraestrutura no rio Cuiabá, no Mato Grosso, está muito perto de virar de lei no Estado

Uma vitória para o Pantanal! Por 20 votos a três, a Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Mato Grosso (ALMT) derrubou nesta semana o veto do governador Mauro Mendes ao PL 957/2019. Defendido por entidades socioambientais, comunidades de ribeirinhos, pescadores e moradores da Baixada Cuiabana, o projeto de lei proíbe a instalação de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas…

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Socio-environmental organizations ask Colombian  congress representatives to legislate for the environment

Socio-environmental organizations ask Colombian congress representatives to legislate for the environment

16 Colombian congress representatives attended an event on August 17, in which socio-environmental organizations asked them to prioritize relevant environmental issues. August 17, 2022 – Socio-environmental organizations and coalitions including International Rivers convened a meeting Colombian congress representative with with the aim of promoting four legislative initiatives that seek progress in the implementation of public…

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Brazil’s Legislative Assembly approves a law draft that prohibits the construction of hydroelectric dams on the Cuiabá River

Brazil’s Legislative Assembly approves a law draft that prohibits the construction of hydroelectric dams on the Cuiabá River

Yesterday, the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato Grosso in Brazil approved the law draft that prohibits the construction of dams along the entire length of the Cuiabá River. The draft was authored by state deputy Wilson Santos (PSDB) and was created in response to the proposition of six dams on the river that…

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Nova publicação da International Rivers: Para proteger a bacia do Tapajós, é necessário apostar em tecnologias biossustentáveis desenvolvidas dentro da região

Nova publicação da International Rivers: Para proteger a bacia do Tapajós, é necessário apostar em tecnologias biossustentáveis desenvolvidas dentro da região

Publicação da International Rivers traz estudos inéditos sobre riqueza socioambiental e de biodiversidade da bacia do Tapajós, como também potenciais ameaças de exploração do território. Press Release in English follows below Contatos  Cecília Garcia, jornalista da equipe da América Latina da International Rivers,, Isadora Armani, jornalista da equipe da América Latina da International Rivers, …

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Brumadinho: Three years since the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão tailings dam, the worst dam disaster in the world in the last decade

Brumadinho: Three years since the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão tailings dam, the worst dam disaster in the world in the last decade

From International Rivers Latin America Team The worst dam disaster in the world in the last decade. This January 25, 2022 marks three years since the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão tailings dam, in Brumadinho, Brazilian city. Check the exclusive Photo Gallery that International Rivers and MAB (Movement Of People Affected by Dams –…

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Press Release | Advocates at IUCN Congress Highlight a Wave of New Support for the Rights of Rivers

Press Release | Advocates at IUCN Congress Highlight a Wave of New Support for the Rights of Rivers

For immediate release: September 8, 2021 Contacts:     1. Monti Aguirre, International Rivers (707-591-1220; 2. Grant Wilson, Earth Law Center (510-566-1063; Marseille, France—Today, advocates from across the globe gathered at the IUCN World Conservation Congress (both in person and remotely) to highlight the precipitous growth of the movement to recognize the rights of rivers and…

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Press Release  | Coalition of International Organizations Files an Amicus Curiae Brief Calling for the Recognition of the Intrinsic Rights of the Marañón River in Peru

Press Release | Coalition of International Organizations Files an Amicus Curiae Brief Calling for the Recognition of the Intrinsic Rights of the Marañón River in Peru

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 12th, 2021 Contacts: Constanza Prieto Figelist (, +1 202-621-3877), Monti Aguirre (, +1 707-591-1220) Lima, Peru—On July 5th, a coalition of international organizations filed an Amicus Curiae brief before the Celendín Court of Justice, Civil Court, requesting the recognition of the inherent rights of the Marañón River associated with the exercise…

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Why Recognize a River’s Rights? Behind the scenes of the Magpie River case in Canada.

Why Recognize a River’s Rights? Behind the scenes of the Magpie River case in Canada.

By: Pier-Olivier, SNAP Quebec; Monti Aguirre, International Rivers; Grant Wilson Earth Law Center Lire en Français Keywords: environment, conservation, rivers, protection, law, Nature, Magpie, legal personhood, First Nations, municipalities On February 23, the Muteshekau-shipu Alliance, of which SNAP Québec is a member, announced that “legal personhood” had been granted to the Magpie River – a…

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