APIB’s International dossier of complaints denounces the offensive against Indigenous peoples and the environment led by Bolsonaro government

APIB’s International dossier of complaints denounces the offensive against Indigenous peoples and the environment led by Bolsonaro government

With informations by APIB. APIB launched earlier this week a International Complaints Dossier of Brazil’s indigenous people. The document brings together a series of data and information that demonstrate that president Bolsonaro selected indigenous peoples as enemies of his government, and turned his hate speeches into state policy. The document also relates Bolsonaro’s actions and…

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Humanitarian catastrophe on the Salween River

Humanitarian catastrophe on the Salween River

By: Pai Deetes, Regional Campaigns and Communications Director, Southeast Asia ProgramInternational Rivers Originally published in the Bangkok Post ‘I can’t figure it out. Thai officials told us to leave and [we’ll] probably have to end up living in the forest. We need to squeeze ourselves among the cracks of the ravines to keep ourselves safe…

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Open Letter in Support of the Munduruku People in Jacareacanga, in the state of Pará

Open Letter in Support of the Munduruku People in Jacareacanga, in the state of Pará

We, Indigenous leaders, representatives of civil society organizations, and members of the scientific community, express, through this letter, our repudiation of the attacks suffered by the Munduruku Indigenous women in Jacareacanga (southwestern Pará), on May 26 of this year. We also declare our full support for operations to combat illegal mineral exploration carried out inside…

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A global call to action on the situation in Myanmar

A global call to action on the situation in Myanmar

We stand with our partners and friends in Myanmar. We mourn the tragic loss of life and condemn the brutal violence and unimaginable terror they are facing. We applaud their incredible courage.  We urge the international and business community to take immediate action to support the brave people of Myanmar in their struggle against this…

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Water, Women, and Governance: What are the challenges for gender equity? (Webinar)

Water, Women, and Governance: What are the challenges for gender equity? (Webinar)

On March 30, 2021, at 5 pm, Brasília time, the Water Governance Observatory (OGA), the Institute of Water and Sanitation (Instituto Água e Saneamento, IAS), International Rivers and Fundación Avina promote the Webinar “Water, women and governance: what are the challenges for gender equity?”. The event will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the…

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Op-Ed | Women Bear the Highest Cost of Injustice

Op-Ed | Women Bear the Highest Cost of Injustice

By: Pai Deetes, Regional Campaigns and Communications Director, Southeast Asia ProgramInternational Rivers Op-ed originally published on Bangkok Post Soithip, an ethnic Karen-Thai woman from Bang Kloi in the Kaeng Krachan Forest, was among 22 villagers who were rounded up last Friday by state authorities and put behind bars at the Phetchaburi Provincial Prison. Returning to…

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Damming Rivers Is Terrible for Human Rights, Ecosystems, and Food Security

Damming Rivers Is Terrible for Human Rights, Ecosystems, and Food Security

By: Deborah Moore, International Rivers Board Member Darryl Knudsen, Executive Director Michael Simon, former Senior Director of Strategy This article was originally featured on Truthout There’s some good news amid the grim global pandemic: At long last, the world’s largest dam removal is finally happening. The landmark agreement, which was finalized in November 2020 between farmers, tribes and…

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PRESS RELEASE | Coalition Submits Amicus Brief Calling for Enforcement of the Rights of the Piatúa River and Indigenous Rights in Ecuador

PRESS RELEASE | Coalition Submits Amicus Brief Calling for Enforcement of the Rights of the Piatúa River and Indigenous Rights in Ecuador

Contacts:  Constanza Prieto Figelist (cpfigelist@earthlaw.org, 202-621-3877) Monti Aguirre (monti@internationalrivers.org, 707-591-1220) QUITO, ECUADOR—On November 26, a coalition of civil society organizations and law professors submitted an amicus brief to Ecuador’s Constitutional Court calling for the protection of the Piatúa River based on the Rights of Nature and Indigenous rights. The Piatúa River is under threat from…

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