By Ayesha DSouza, South Asia Program Coordinator One of the most visible things one sees when travelling from Siliguri in West Bengal up the winding roads to Northern Sikkim are huge streaks down the sides of the mountains. You can clearly see them sliding all the way to the River Teesta. These streaks or scratches…
Read MoreA ticking time bomb: Tomorrow’s hearing can decide the fate of companies responsible for dangerously built dam that threatens more than 3,400 families in Ecuador.
Powered by Canadian, Ecuadorian, Spanish and Swiss investors, the São José del Tambo dam (Hidrotambo S.A.) is considered a rudimentary and dangerously built hydro project and has been threatening the lives and livelihoods of over 140 communities along Dulcepamba River. On February 1st, an appeals hearing will be held in the Provincial Court of Tungurahua…
Read MoreBrumadinho: Three years since the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão tailings dam, the worst dam disaster in the world in the last decade
From International Rivers Latin America Team The worst dam disaster in the world in the last decade. This January 25, 2022 marks three years since the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão tailings dam, in Brumadinho, Brazilian city. Check the exclusive Photo Gallery that International Rivers and MAB (Movement Of People Affected by Dams –…
Read MoreInternational Rivers Condemns and Denounces the Brutal Murder of an Environmental Defender’s Family in Amazon region, Brazil
International Rivers, Brazilian Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), Pará’s Society in Defense of Human Rights (SDDH) and several other national and international organizations condemns and internationally denounces the brutal murder environmental defenders family in the Xingu region, Brazil. Last Sunday, the bodies of José Gomes (also known as Zé do Lago), his wife Márcia Nunes and…
Read MoreThe Saga of Mekong Tributary Dams
Originally published in Bangkok Tribune News By Phairin Sohsai, the Thai-Mekong Campaign Coordinator for International Rivers and Sayan Chuenudomsavad, a documentary photographer residing in Bangkok, Thailand. Diverse and vibrant, his images capture everyday people living alongside the challenges of development, climate change and social changes in the Mekong region. The Northeastern region has been dotted…
Read MoreExpert Interview: Dipti Vaghela Explains How Community-based Micro-Hydropower is a People Empowerment Energy Solution
While our work at International Rivers focuses on fighting mega dams and destructive hydropower, we know that not all hydropower is the same nor bad for the environment. In fact, community-based hydropower — such as pico, micro, and mini hydro — has provided socio-economic and environmental benefits to thousands of off-grid communities in the Asia…
Read MoreInternational Rivers Congratulates Communities from Temacapulin, Palmarejo and Acasico
After 16 years of a fight led mainly by women activists, Mexican communities halted the Zapotillo Dam System, stopping the project of flooding their ancestral lands. For the past 16 years, three small Mexican communities – Temacapulin, Palmarejo and Acasico in Jalisco State- have been struggling against construction of the Zapotillo Dam System, a megaproject…
Read MoreExclusive Interview – Brazilian singer Victor Kinjo presents songs and reflections on river regeneration in a concert recorded at the boat Almirante do Lago, moored between the Tietê and Pinheiros rivers, in São Paulo
By Isadora Soares Music and reflections on river regeneration were the main ingredients for Brazilian singer, composer, and researcher Victor Kinjoa who presented the “Vem Pro Rio” concert yesterday (19) on his YouTube Channel. The show was recorded at the boat Almirante do Lago, moored between the Tietê and Pinheiros rivers, in São Paulo. The…
Read MoreKhuga Dam Continues to Devastate the Lives of Indigenous Women in Manipur, India
By: Christina Larlemdik, Nalori Dhammei Chakma, Jiten Yumnam & Petro Kotze The Khuga Dam is, by all accounts, a failure. Unable to deliver on any of the original objectives of the Khuga Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project, the price of this expensive catastrophe is paid by the local people. Already discriminated against due to their position in…
Read MoreAnimación de la Mesa Ciudadana por un río San Pedro sin Represas refuerza la protección del río San Pedro, en Chile
Por Isadora Soares Con sus 77 km de extensión, el hermoso paisaje del río San Pedro, en el sur de Chile, esconde la lucha silenciosa de la región contra el ya avanzado proyecto de construcción de la Central Hidroeléctrica San Pedro, proyecto que está interrumpido desde 2009. La animación de poco más de cinco minutos…
Read More12 essential podcasts about rivers and the people who protect them
Podcasts are also a way to navigate a sea of information often produced by mainstream media. Affordable to be produced, these channels allow several independent and/or minority groups to amplify their voices and reach different audiences. They also address subjects that mainstream media has yet to cover with property, like climate collapse, rights of nature…
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