2º Fórum Brasileiro dos Direitos da Natureza será realizado em Ilhéus, na Bahia, entre os dias 6 e 7 de outubro de 2023. Inscrições são gratuitas. Brasil, 04 de setembro de 2023 – Entre os dias 6 e 7 de outubro de 2023, a cidade de Ilhéus, na Bahia, será palco do 2º Fórum Brasileiro…
Read MoreCivil Society Organizations continue to call for more effective consultation processes from the Inter-American Development Bank
Yesterday, International Rivers joined organizations from Latin America and the United States with a new open letter to the president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilan Goldfajn. The letter repeated the calls for the Bank to improve the quality of the consultation processes by addressing the group’s recommendations presented in previous letters. “(…) we…
Read MoreSTATEMENT | International Coalition to Free Vietnam’s Climate Leaders Responds to the UN Development Programme’s First Public Speech on Draft Plan of Just Energy Transition Partnership
On August 11, 2023, United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative in Viet Nam, Ms. Ramla Khalidi, delivered a speech at the consultation workshop for the draft “Resource Mobilization Plan” (RMP) – essentially the implementation plan – for Viet Nam’s Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). This $15.5 billion JETP was announced on December 14, 2022, by…
Read MoreRelato do XXV ENCOB: Proteção de rios e gestão hídrica no Brasil
Por Vitória Leopoldina Gomes Mendes, advogada especialista em direito ambiental e membro da Coalizão Pelos Rios English here. Diante de um cenário em que as mudanças climáticas cada vez mais são sentidas, a lei vêm sendo grande aliada na proteção dos sistemas naturais no mundo todo. Meu papel como advogada na Coalizão Pelos Rios, grupo…
Read MoreReport of the XXV ENCOB: River protection and water management in Brazil
By Vitória Leopoldina Gomes Mendes, a lawyer specializing in environmental law and member of Coalizão Pelos Rios Portuguese version here. With the impacts of climate change increasing, the law has been a great ally in the protection of natural systems worldwide. My role as a lawyer in the Coalizão Pelos Rios (Coalition for Rivers), a…
Read MoreWhy river protection needs to be addressed at this week’s Amazon Summit
By Flávio Montiel, International Rivers – Brazil The Amazon Summit, one of the most important environmental meetings of the year, is taking place this week in Brazil. Representatives from the eight Amazonian nations will come together to discuss strategies and policies for the protection and sustainable development of the Amazon. The Amazon is the largest…
Read MoreReencounter in the Resistance: Environmental Organizations Unite to Protect Mesoamerica and South America Against Destructive Development Projects
Environmental organizations will come together in Guatemala in August to pool their experiences, insights, and efforts in order to shield their regions from the negative impacts of development projects. This week in Guatemala, International Rivers joins Reencontramos en la Resistencia, a historic gathering of environmental organizations to foster collaboration and share crucial information to combat…
Read MoreInternational Rivers Proposes Permanent River Protections for the Amazon Summit
Held before the Amazon Summit, ‘Amazon Dialogues’ will bring together government agencies and civil society organizations to guide the formulation of new strategies for the future of the Amazon. These discussion outcomes will be presented to the leaders of the Amazon countries later in August in Belém. Portuguese version here. International Rivers will bring our…
Read Moreองค์กรประชาสังคมออกแถลงการณ์เรียกร้องการเยียวยาที่มีประสิทธิภาพแก่ผู้ประสบภัยเขื่อนลาวแตก
6 องค์กรภาคประชาสังคมประกอบด้วย KTNC Watch, Manushya Foundation, Inclusive Development International, International Rivers, Community Resource Centre (CRC), Thailand, ETOs Watch Coalition ,Fair Finance Thailand, Mekong Watch ได้ออกแถลงการณ์ครบรอบ 5 ปีเหตุการณ์เขื่อนเซเปียน เซน้ำน้อยที่แขวงอัตตะปือแตก เมื่อวันที่ 23 กรกฎาคม 2018 โดยเขื่อนเสริม (Saddle D) ของโครงการไฟฟ้าพลังน้ำเซเปียน-เซน้ำน้อยในลาวพังทลายคร่าชีวิตผู้คน 71 คน ไร้ที่อยู่อาศัยนับพัน น้ำท่วมบ้านเรือนและหมู่บ้าน ห้าปีหลังจากเหตุการณ์อันน่าสลดใจนี้ ผู้รอดชีวิตยังคงไม่ได้รับการชดเชยหรือการเยียวยาที่เพียงพอ และยังคงต้องทนทุกข์ทรมานจากผลกระทบของภัยพิบัติ องค์กรภาคประชาสังคมกำลังเรียกร้องให้บริษัทและรัฐบาลที่เกี่ยวข้อง รวมถึงบริษัทก่อสร้างคือ SK Ecoplant และผู้พัฒนาและบริหารบริษัทเซเปียนเซน้ำน้อยพาวเวอร์( Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Company (PNPC)) ตลอดจนรัฐบาลลาวและสาธารณรัฐเกาหลี ซึ่งเป็นผู้ให้ทุนสนับสนุนความช่วยเหลือด้านการพัฒนาที่เป็นทางการ(Official…
Read MorePRESS RELEASE | Joint Statement: Lao Dam Disaster – NGOs decry lack of effective remedy for survivors five years on
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Yujung Shin (+82 010 8452 0108, yjshin@jihyanglaw.com) Pillkyu Hwang (hopenvision@naver.com) or Youngah Park (mashil049@gmail.com) Emilie Pradichit (emilie@manushyafoundation.org) Joint statement in Thai On July 23, 2018, the auxiliary dam (Saddle D) of the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydroelectric power project in Laos collapsed, killing 71 people, displacing thousands, and flooding homes and villages….
Read MoreRight to a Healthy Environment Global Coalition Wins UN Human Rights Prize
20 July, 2023, Manila (PHP), Geneva (CH), Casablanca (MAR), New York (US), Mexico City (MX), Buenos Aires (ARG) — Today, the Global Coalition of Civil Society, Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and Local Communities for the Universal Recognition of the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment was recognized as one of the recipients of the prestigious…
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